Thursday, October 16, 2008

HollyWood and the Economy

The recent economy has left many businesses in a rut . Hollywood still seems to be running strong with new movies coming out like The Secret Life of Bees. We often wonder does Hollywood ever fall on hard times when the public doesn't have the twelve dollars to spend on a show? Anylst say that during hard times movies seem to do well because people want to escape the daily routine of life. Since the great depression, the recession, and September 11 attacks Hollywood has stood the test of time with box hits.

This year is also shaping up to make movie history. Plagued by troubles in the housing market, $4-a-gallon gas prices, and rising unemployment, Americans once again are looking for ways to tune out. Coupled with higher ticket prices (the national average is $7.08), that puts this summer on track to beat the $4.2 billion record ticket sales for the three-month period. (Michael Lev Ram reporter)

Statics like these show you that people needed an escape from reality and the movies has and will continue to offer that, so Hollywood probably will never see any real problems in the white house.

peace coolwater

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