Thursday, November 29, 2007

Why Did You Get Married

Tyler Perrys' why did I get married is sensational. This movie is a real testament to black love. In todays society relationships only last a minute while know one is really in love for the right reasons. This is coolwater saying does any body get married any more? I think that Tyler really showed us how real love is suppose to be and why you need love.
Falling in and out of love is common as apple pie, but this movie really makes staying in love with while. The allstar cast that Tyler Perry puts together in this movie is stellar. Everyone brought real emotions to the screen to make this movie a hit. If you look at television,videos, listen to radio then you hear the constant advertisement of be a player be single and sleep around. In this movie each one of those realities comes to life and someone playes that charachter to the letter.

The dysfunctional marriages play through out the movie and if your like me you see a little bit of you in everyone of those charachters on the screen. This is a movie that cool water recommends you see with a husband, wife.girlfriend, or boyfriend.


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