Sunday, October 24, 2010

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter is about to drop again with another movie. I can only wonder how long they can keep Harry Potter on the top of thechildren list of most watch films. May folks don't think Harry Potter is good for the pysche of children because of all the evil stuff that is displayed in the film. But, Harry still seems to be one of the highest grossing films of all times. Harry PotterImage by Pixelsior via Flickr

Harry Potter and Warner Brothers Franchising power The Film Pilgrim

As the final installment in the Harry Potter series is due to debut our cinema screens with Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows out on November the 19th we have a look at the way that Warner Brothers have marketed the film to ...NEW YORK - JULY 09:  Actor Daniel Radcliff and...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Publish Date: 10/24/2010 14:10

Harry Potter's Adventures Come To A Close With The Harry Potter ...

The film productions of JK Rowling's famous Harry Potter books have been widely acclaimed. Fans of the books have been thrilled to see the characters they have spent so many hours reading about come to life in the blockbuster films bearing the same titles as the books. The concluding tale in the series of seven books will be presented as a two part film, the first of which is scheduled to hit theaters November 19, 2010; the second comes out July 15, 2011.

Publish Date: 10/24/2010 7:43

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

FaceBook The Social Network Movie

I just got in from seeing Social Network also know as Facebook. I thought the movie waImage representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBases provocative. It also gave a good understanding the business audience about how one can get tangled up in and intellectual property lawsuit over a simple Idea. The movie really made you understand what its really going to take inorder to get your audience or business infront of some eyeballs. I would have to say it is one of the best movies to come out this year. Justin

Related Information

facebook: the movie

Directed by David Lehre. Before "The Social Network", this 20 minute epic movie was released about Facebook. Watch it in High Quality HD here: 1. or 2. Starring (in order of appearance) John Kubin as B...

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Case 39 Movie Review

The movie Case 39 came out yesterday and it looks like its going to be a nail CASE 39Image by Galactinet Prensa via Flickrbiter. If you are into horror and like being scared out of your sit then this movie is going to be for you. I think the

producers have a great hit on their hands. Unlike "The Devil" Mu. Night leave you confused Shalyaman you can actually get a moment to enjoy the story line with this movie hear.

Movie Reviews

Movie review: Case 39 Dallas/Fort Worth

Movie review: Case 39. by John P. Meyer. Run-of-the-mill demon-child story offers a few scares, fewer surprises. Photo, taken 2010-10-01 16:25:58. With Case 39, director Christian Alvart (Pandorum) tackles the tried-and-true evil child ...

Publish Date: 10/01/2010 17:30

Case 39 Trailer movie review

Case 39 Trailer Case 39 is finally being released in the US. The first movie began filming back in 2006, and was ready to be launched in 2008. That never.

Publish Date: 10/01/2010 22:26


Case 39 Movie Review: Beyond The Trailer

Case 39 Movie Review. Host Grace Randolph gives you the low-down on Case 39 starring Renee Zellweger and Bradley Cooper, then get a review of Case 39 from audiences fresh from the theater! Enjoy Case 39! Beyond The Trailer is distributed by Indy Mogu...

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